Hotham Australia Photos

Check our collage of photos out from Hotham Australia.We threw in some descriptions.

If you need a refresher on the ski trail map click here .

Click on these to enlarge.

hotham australia snake valley

Looking up the Snake Valley, under the Heavenly Chair lift. Quite few runs funnel in here, hence can be quite a busy area in peak season.

hotham down snake valley

Looking down the Snake Valley at Mt Hotham. The entire run is not shown.

hotham base of snake valley

The very base of the Snake Valley.

hotham towards gotcha

Traversing the mountains towards distant runs of Gotcha, which is at the boundary of the patrolled area.

hotham towards keoghs

Same neighborhood as Gotcha, is the Keoghs trails.

hotham valley and me

A nice overview of the Mt Hotham Australia Valley. This is where the majority of the skiing takes place. There are gentler trails on the top of the hill range not shown on this snapshot. This is the Hotham Valley having reached Keogh and Gotcha runs.

hotham reaching koeghs

Another snapshot of Keoghs neighborhood.

hotham village left behind

Ski Village left in the distance. You can vaguely see the Arlberg Hotel.

hotham other side of mountain

If you follow the perimeter of the patrolled area you can circumnavigate the mountains or hills range. This view is from the other side of the valley heading back to Snake Valley down the Spargos or One Tree Hill Run.

hotham going down other side

Skiing down One Tree Hill.

hotham under blue ribbon

This is closer to the big -D runs under the Blue Ribbon,away from the areas above. When the snow thaws out these are the first runs to close.

hotham blue ribbon run

Hothams Blue Ribbon. Nice area to ski when the weather turns bad, as the tree line shields you from snow.

hotham gun barrel towards snake gully

Looking down the Gun Barrel towards Snake Valley.

hotham winter picture

Australia Hotham Snow Pick.

hotham on the way to blue ribbon

Heading towards Blue Ribbon.

hotham trooper in ski school

This is our First Trooper at Ski School, only four years old, and has just progressed to the next Mighty Mites level which allows riding on lifts under adult supervision.

hotham close to blue ribbons runs

In the neighborhood of the Blue Ribbon.

hotham village view

View of the Australian Hotham Village.

hotham view of chalets

Chalets close to the village chair lift.

hotham our troopers

Our two troopers whom have kept us busy since the arrival of the second one.

From Hotham Australia back to Hotham Victoria page.

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